In the Good Holiday Spirit Collection, the following information about donors is collected.
Corporate and Organisational Donations
When a company requests an invoice, the company’s/organisation’s name and donation amount are recorded. This information is retained in accordance with Finnish accounting regulations.
Through the website, a company/organisation can make a donation by completing an online form. The form collects the company’s/organisation’s name, billing information, donation amount, and the contact person’s details (name, phone number, email). The donor enters the information themselves via the online form. The form data is sent by email to hyvajoulumieli(a)
In addition, the online form data is logged in a file stored behind the website, which can only be accessed by logging in. The form data is stored until the end of the campaign.
After filling out the form, the company/organisation can print the generated invoice and pay the donation via invoice, or make the donation directly through the online payment service.
The online payment details are recorded by the online payment service, where the total donation amount is reviewed. The names of all donors and donation amounts are collected so that their details can be published on the website. This information is visible until the next campaign begins.
Contact details are stored in the corporate contact database maintained by the Finnish Red Cross, and the information is not shared with third parties. The details are used solely for communication regarding the Good Holiday Spirit Collection.

Individual Donations
For donations made via mobile, text message, or phone, only the total donation amount is visible in the transaction report, and no identifiable information is collected.
Online donations are processed like standard online payments. If a donor requests a receipt, they must provide an email address to which the receipt will be sent by the online payment service (MLL will see the email address). Email addresses are stored by the online payment service. If the donor does not request a receipt, no personal information is stored other than the data necessary to complete the online payment.
If an individual donates directly by paying into the Good Holiday Spirit account, the payment appears on the bank statement, and the information is retained in accordance with accounting regulations.